
What is it?

Atgof is a cloud-based system with Web, iOS & Android apps for use by people working on script-based film or broadcast productions.

Who can use it?

What does it do?

It serves as a definitive source of up-to-date information, replacing paper-based and fragmented methods of sharing information such as:
  • Scripts
  • Continuity sheets
  • Breakdowns
  • Slate sheets
  • Schedules
  • Production reports
Atgof provides you with unified and synchronised workflows and a feature-set tailored to each use case.

How to get it?

Contact us, and we’ll be happy to help:

Beth ydy Atgof?

System sy’n gwneud gwaith yn hawdd i bobl wrth iddyn nhw weithio ar gynyrchiadau ffilm a theledu. Mae modd defnyddio Atgof ar y We, neu drwy aps arbennig ar gyfer iOS ac Android.

I bwy mae’n handi?

Beth mae’n medru’i wneud?

Mae’n rhoi ffordd syth-bin o rannu, cofnodi a chyferio nôl at bob math o wybodaeth fel:
  • Sgriptiau
  • Dalennau dilyniant
  • Breakdowns
  • Dalennau llechen
  • Amserlenni
  • Adroddiadau cynhyrchu
Mae Atgof wedi’i ddylunio’n ofalus i weddu’n llwyr efo patrymau gwaith y gwahanol adrannau sy’n ei ddefnyddio.

Sut mae cael gafael arno?

Cysylltwch â ni, ac mi fyddwn ni’n hapus i helpu: